For aupairs

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Learn French from native speakers as an au pair

Many of us discover a common feeling when we learn French at school, or in a language course. You’re in the middle of your French immersion and you’ve just mastered a particularly tough bit of grammar, you’re feeling hot on your recent vocab, accent’s improving and you’ve just smashed a lengthy conversation exercise. You’re in the zone. You strut out your French language school with confidence because ‘HEY! You’re practically fluent!’ You decide to reward yourself so you head for a French speaking café and order ‘un café et un croissant’.

Then the cashier brings you crashing back down to earth… by asking questions. They want to know which size coffee?  Drink here or takeaway? What flavour croissant? And you’re pretty sure based on the speed that they are talking that they previously worked as a horse race commentator. You respond by simply blurting out the first relevant words you can think of without paying too much mind to word order or whether it should be ’le,la or les’. Then after three goes trying to figure out the price the cashier is saying you just have to look at the digital display. You leave the café without an appetite or a desire to celebrate. I mean, you thought you were doing well!?

The language stays in France, so the best way to learn French in France or in other France speaking country!

First thing is too relax. Almost all of us who study French in France have felt this way numerous times. It’s what French immersion in France is all about! Ask any teacher the solution and they will uniformly tell you: ‘PRATIQUE, PRATIQUE, PRATIQUE!’ (practice, practice, practice). And bear in mind this… we live in the best time for language learning in human history. You are doing a language stay in France! This is the best way to learn French quickly and efficiently, especially if you choose the au pair programme!

The au pair programme is one of the best ways to live abroad cheap, improve your language every day, and discover a new culture. As an au pair you will take part in your host family's daily life. You will be forced to use the language during the whole day. Moreover you can use everything you learn at your language school in real life. Soon you will speak fluently without having to search extensively for words. Ask for the Aupairfect Summer au pair and long term au pair program brochure, and spend the summer or maybe a longer time with native speakers, as a part of a French family as an au pair!


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